Da 40 anni ricerchiamo antiche varietà locali in poderi abbandonati e monasteri, nell’arte del Rinascimento, in antichi documenti e nelle testimonianze degli anziani agricoltori.Research
Since 40 years we are searching for ancient local varieties in abandoned farms and monasteries, in the art of Renaissance, in ancient documents and in the testimonies of elderly farmers.
Organizziamo mostre pomologiche, eventi dedicati alla biodiversità, progetti specifici in Italia e all’estero, visite di scolaresche e gruppi di studiosi e amatori.
We organize pomological exhibitions, events dedicated to biodiversity, specific projects in Italy and abroad, visits by school groups and groups of scholars and amateurs.
We organize pomological exhibitions, events dedicated to biodiversity, specific projects in Italy and abroad, visits by school groups and groups of scholars and amateurs.
Frutteto collezione
Dalla lunga ricerca è stato creato a San Lorenzo di Lerchi, in un paesaggio agricolo storico, il frutteto collezione, straordinario patrimonio genetico e culturale.
From the long research, in San Lorenzo di Lerchi, in a historical agricultural landscape, the orchard collection, an extraordinary genetic and cultural heritage.
From the long research, in San Lorenzo di Lerchi, in a historical agricultural landscape, the orchard collection, an extraordinary genetic and cultural heritage.
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