︎︎︎ MELA

Questa varietà era molto considerata perché particolarmente adatta per lo svezzamento dei bambini: la sua polpa grattugiata infatti resiste molto bene all’ossidazione e rimane bianca a lungo. La forma strana la rende poco appetibile dal mercato ma sarebbe un’ottima varietà da composte, purea di frutta e succhi.
The mother plant of this variety was recovered in the area of Foligno (Terni) and its origin is unknown. No other trees were found but the local old farmers remember that this variety was quite common in the whole area. The tree is moderately vigorous, very rugged, irregularly shaped and is highly and consistently productive. The fruit is medium, conical and with a strong tendency to merge or couple with a neighboring fruit during its development, forming a single and rather deformed fruit. The stem is very short, inserted in a shallow and open cavity. The calyx is not too deep and quite ribbed. The skin is smooth, without lenticels, green and with bright red patches in the sun. The flesh is white, crisp, very tasty, juicy and very resistant to oxidation. Despite its shape, from an organoleptic standpoint, it is an excellent apple. It is harvested in the fall, always with a waning moon, and it stores well in the fruit-house. This variety was highly praised because very suited for weaning children: its grated flesh, in fact, is quite resistant to oxidation and stays white for long. Its strange shape makes it unsuitable for the market but it would be a great variety for compotes, fruit puree and juices.