Questa mela si adatta al consumo fresco e alla cottura. Data la consistenza della sua polpa può essere anche consumata fritta, in fette sottili: si prepara una pastella di farina, acqua, un pizzico di sale, un tuorlo d’uovo, un cucchiaio di cognac, un cucchiaio di olio d’oliva. Si lavora e si lascia riposare per due ore. Prima di usarla, per friggere, si aggiunge anche la chiara dell’uovo montata a neve.
The mother plants were recovered in the Gualdo Tadino (Perugia) area but its origin is unknown. This variety is cultivated in the high hills of this area and also around Gubbio (Perugia), in individual plants. It is an excellent autumn variety, once valued because it travels well and doesn’t bruise easily. The tree is vigorous, very hardy and productive and with spreading crown. It crops every other year and blooms in mid-late season. The fruit is medium-sized, with a form flat-globose and with prominent ribs. Its stem is medium-long and inserted in a not too deep, ribbed cavity. The calyx is wide and smooth. The skin is thin, smooth, colored a straw yellow with a few pinkish streaks from the sun. The flesh is white, slightly sour, aromatic, crisp and has very good quality. It is traditionally harvested in October and stores in the fruit-house until the following spring. In the past it would often be preserved threaded and hung. It can be eaten starting in November. This apple is suitable both to be eaten fresh and to be cooked. Given the firmness of its flesh it can also be fried, in very thin slices: make a batter with flour, water, a pinch of salt, an egg yolk, a spoonful of cognac and a spoonful of olive oil. Mix the batter and leave it to rest for two hours. Before dipping the apple slices in it, add the egg white beaten until stiff